1. Fill out card
Fill out the collection card with your name, today’s date, and your date of birth.

2. Get blood flowing
Warm your hands: Run your hands under hot water or rub them together.
Get active: Shake your hand below your waist. You can also jump, shake, or dance!

3. Choose finger
Wipe the tip of your middle or ring finger with the alcohol wipe.

4. Use lancet
Twist off the lancet cap (you won’t see the needle).
Press the lancet into the side of your finger to puncture the skin.
Allow the first drop of blood to drip onto the provided gauze.

5. Collect sample
Drip 4-6 large drops of blood onto the small square on the collection card. Do not touch or tap the collection card.
Gently squeeze your finger downward to help release more blood. Blood should drip from your finger.
Blood will flow to the right. If red blood does not pass the first line, our lab will not be able to analyze your sample.
If blood flow stops, clean another finger and use an extra lancet to finish the collection.

6. Finish up
You did it! The hard part is over.
Apply the bandage to your finger.
Let the collection card dry for at least 45 minutes.

7. Pack for return
Once the card is dry, put it inside the foil bag.
Put the foil bag into the bubble mailer and seal it.

8. Mail your sample
Please mail your sample within one day of collection.